
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Let's Do This

Let's Do This

Day +85: Let's do this.  Today is my first bone marrow biopsy post-transplant on top of my regular clinic visit.  All prayers, well wishes, etc. appreciated as we wait for results, which we may not get for a week.

P.S. this is what cancer looks like.  I mask up in public, but especially at the hospital which is packed with germs. No wig today and comfy workout clothes for the procedure. If you look closely you can see my hair is starting to come back in 🙌🏼

#TheJames #CaseCured #BPDCN #BoneMarrowTransplant



Day +72 Update and National Cancer Survivors Day

Day +72 Update and National Cancer Survivors Day