
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, and John and I are doing our best to try to keep everyone updated.  For those we haven't been able to catch up with in detail, here is a breakdown of how things are going so far:

CYCLE 1: I completed cycle one of the #SL401 chemotherapy treatment in December.  I entered the James at Ohio State as an inpatient on Wednesday December 14th and received #SL401 dose one (of five) on Friday, December 16th.  I was given four of the five daily doses in a row before I experienced any major side effects, which included high fevers, rigoring, chills, and nausea.  I took a day off to recuperate after dose four and received the fifth dose on Wednesday December 21st.  The side effects came and went again after the fifth dose.  I was released from the hospital on the 22nd just in time to be "home" at my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Steve's in Ohio for Christmas.  The holidays were emotional but I was incredibly grateful to spend them out of the hospital and with John and Caroline.  

I was treated as an outpatient during the last two weeks of the first cycle, and spent my time visiting the James for testing and recuperating from fatigue.  Thankfully, most of the other side effects resolved within a day or two after I received the fifth dose.  After just the first cycle, there was marked improvement of the lesions on my skin, with most spots except the larger tumor on my right forearm completely gone.

CYCLE 2:  Last week, I returned to the James as an inpatient to start my second #SL401 cycle.  Prior to being admitted on the evening of January 5th, I had additional testing, including what are now becoming my least favorite "routine" procedures--bone marrow and skin biopsies.  Let's just say I don't recommend them as spa treatments.

I received my first #SL401 dose of the second cycle on Friday, January 6th.  Unfortunately, several hours after receiving the drug, I encountered the same side effects I had late in the first cycle--chills, rigors, high fever, and vomiting.  My physicians delayed the second dose by a day to let my body recover.  I have since received doses two through four consecutively (Sunday - Tuesday).  Thankfully, I've had no additional side effects other than fatigue.  So long as my labs, weight, and vitals look good tomorrow morning, I will receive dose five tomorrow and will be released from the hospital either late tomorrow or early Thursday.  We're all crossing our fingers and knocking on wood that I experience no further side effects after dose five.

In the interim, my bone marrow biopsy results came back this week and with good results.  Prior to receiving any treatments, #BPDCN made up 1% of my bone marrow.  After only one cycle, the remaining #BPDCN makes up only .2% of my bone marrow!  Although I'm not in remission yet, I'm darn close.  It's so good to know the drug is working.  If you're the praying kind, please pray that this second cycle achieves remission in my bone marrow and skin so I can bridge to transplant in February or March.

Thanks again to all for the outpouring of support during this time.  Please know that your texts, cards, packages, e-mails, and calls are so appreciated even when we don't respond right away. 



The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Words (and Photos) of Encouragement

Words (and Photos) of Encouragement