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Be the Match for Rebecca! Bone marrow drives scheduled!

Be the Match for Rebecca! Bone marrow drives scheduled!

Wondering if you could “Be The Match” for Rebecca Weis? Come get your cheek swabbed at any of the following bone marrow donor drives. 

February 15, 9AM-1PM and February 16, 12PM-4PM at Stites & Harbison (400 W. Market Street, 18th Floor) *Receptionist will direct people to donor drive location. Street parking and parking garages available.

(Weekend Event) February 25, 10AM-2PM at St. Agnes Church (1920 Newburg Rd)

Rebecca is fighting a rare form of blood cancer called #BPDCN and she needs a bone marrow transplant. A bone marrow transplant requires finding a donor with similar genetic composition of the recipient.

We’ve teamed up with several great organization to host donor registration events. All it takes to sign up to the national marrow donor registry is a short consent form and cheek swab, which determines donor/recipient matches. We’ll have snacks and drinks at each of these drives. Those who sign up could be the cure for Rebecca or a patient fighting blood cancer.

Please share information about these drives on your Facebook page and through any other means you can. We cannot promote these drives enough.

Thank you to Stites & Harbison, YPAL, Brown-Forman, Humana, and all of Rebecca’s friends and family for their support!

Curious about what it means to be a bone marrow donor? Click here to read FAQs from Be The Match.



The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game