
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Square One

Square One

Some not so good news to share this morning. Yesterday we learned that my donor is no longer medically fit to donate bone marrow. 

My physician said this has only ever happened to her once so close to transplant, and the first time it was because the donor was female and became pregnant. This donor was male, and the national bone marrow registry said he has some medical condition that precludes him from donating to anyone. We do not know specifics about the condition but he is being taken off of the registry. 

Instead of being admitted to the hospital today to begin the week long pre-transplant conditioning regimen, we're waiting on eggshells. This has been a difficult blow because we've spent weeks preparing ourselves mentally for all of the risks and challenges of transplant. And now we're back to square one.

I previously had three 9/10 matches for my physician to choose from and we revisited that list yesterday. Unfortunately one of the other two donors is now unavailable. The third and only other donor comes with some additional transplant risk factors. That said, she is the best remaining option.

My physician and the national bone marrow registry are trying to reschedule the transplant with the new donor for sometime in the next few weeks. We don't know if the donor is even able or willing, or if that schedule works for her. We also don't know if I will undergo another cycle of SL401 treatment. 

There are a lot of moving parts over which we have no control. Please send positive thoughts and prayers that everything falls into place. And maybe a punching bag so we can blow off some steam. 

We will keep you posted. Thanks so much for your love and support.

432 Donors!

432 Donors!

No Reward Without Risk

No Reward Without Risk